The following instruction requires extra care and accuracy. Incorrect editing of xml / conf files and uploading could brick the modem.
How to Customize the DNS Servers?
- Login as admin to the Web User Interface (WebUI) of your modem.
- Go to Maintain menu. Download
downloadcarconfigfile anddownloadconfigfile from Advance and Configuration tabs(Depending on the modem version, the files could have a xml or conf file extensions) . - Open the files with Notepad.
(You can also use other editing application such as Wordpad or Expression Web but be sure to uncheck the checkbox in the Open With window the "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file" to avoid changing the type of the file) . - In the two (2) files find the following code:
- Replace the value of DNSOverrideAllowed to 0 and insert your preferred DNS servers to DNSServers just like below:
- Save the two files.
- Now go back to the WebUI of your modem, go first to Advance tab and upload
downloadcarconfigfile file then followed bydownloadconfigfile file to Configuration tab. The modem will reboot. - After a few seconds or minute, login to the WebUI and view if the changes had take effect.
- That's it. Enjoy your browsing experience.
<WANIPConnectionInstance InstanceID="1" X_ATP_LanInterface="" X_ATP_ServiceList="TR069_INTERNET" X_ATP_DHCPRelay="0" Enable="1" ConnectionStatus="" ConnectionType="IP_Routed" X_ATP_VLANEnabled="0" X_ATP_VLANID="0" Name="TR069_INTERNET_ROUTER" X_ATP_Priority="255" LastConnectionError="" AutoDisconnectTime="0" NATEnabled="1" X_ATP_FirewallEnabled="1" X_ATP_IGMPEnabled="0" AddressingType="DHCP" ExternalIPAddress="" SubnetMask="" DefaultGateway="" DNSEnabled="1"DNSOverrideAllowed="1" DNSServers="" RouteProtocolRx="Off" X_ATP_RIPOperation="Active" PortMappingNumberOfEntries="0"/>
DNSOverrideAllowed="0 " DNSServers=", "
Reminder, be sure to upload the exact configuration file into its right destination.
How to Determine the Best DNS Servers that is appropriate for your modem and location?
Though, GoogleDNS and OpenDNS were the most well known and fast DNS servers, there are many free DNS servers that you can use in the web.- Download the free DNS Benchmark application from here.
- Run the application
(it is portable) , click Nameservers tab,(Wait for a minute or two while the application initialize and finding available DNS severs) . After of that, click Run Benchmark button. - The application will undergo testing. Leave it running for a while. Then after the test, the application will display DNS servers that is performing well and appropriate for your modem and location.
credits : ilearnzone